Protest Against Electroshock Organised In Cork
Protest Against Electroshock Organised In Cork
Report on Cork international electroshock protest
A Report on our electroshock protest inCork, Ireland. First of all it was a beautiful sunnyday. We held our protest outside The Peace Park in thecentre of the city where we have had quite a number ofanti-shock protests in the past. The iron railings of thepark facilitate our two big Ban Shock signs. In additionwe […]
Shocking Development
The Cork News
CORK SHOCK PROTEST PART OF WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN. “Do they still do that?“ is the typical response of the average lay person whenever the subject of electroshock is raised. And the answer is Yes. In 2012, the latest year for which figures are available, 244 people received electroshock in Irish hospitals. And worst of all, 27 […]
Call For Abolition Of Electroshcok
MINDFREEDOM IRELAND PRESS RELEASE – 17TH MAY 2015. CALL FOR ABOLITION OF ELECTROSHOCK. A protest against the psychiatric practice of electroshock held in Cork on Saturday heard calls for the total abolition of the procedure. The Cork protest was part of a simultaneous 30 city international campaign. Public testimonies were given by a number of […]