(Widely accepted beliefs about depression, chemical imbalances, the medical profession and the brain)

Limerick physician, psychotherapist, author and mental health activist Dr. Terry Lynch will address an audience in Cork on Tuesday September 8th to mark the publication of his new book ‘Depression Delusion – The Myth of The Brain Chemical Imbalance.’

In the book, Dr. Lynch challenges the widely proclaimed theory expounded by psychiatry that depression results from a chemical imbalance in the brain. He states that there is no scientific evidence or medical test to support this theory which he prefers to refer to as a ‘myth’ akin to a religious belief backed up by vested interests in the pharmaceutical industry.

For years the psychiatric profession and many GPs have sold the chemical imbalance theory to the extent of having it now widely accepted by the general public. This, Dr. Lynch states, is serious misinformation, a falsehood as untrue as the flat earth myth of past centuries.

Psychiatrist Dr. Joanna Moncrieff of University College London states that Dr. Lynch “ has given one of the most pervasive and harmful myths of modern times a thorough debunking”. American psychiatrist Peter Breggin describes Dr. Lynch’s book as “an inestimable service to the health professionals and to humanity”. Irish psychiatrist Pat Bracken has said that “this will be a very helpful book”.

Dr. Lynch is also the author of two other books ‘Beyond Prozac’ and ‘Selfhood’, the former an Irish bestseller in 2002 which was short listed for the UK Mind Book of the Year in 2002. He was also a member of The Expert Group whose Report A Vision for Change (2006) forms the basis for current mental health policy in Ireland and served two terms on the Independent Monitoring Group established to oversee Vision for Change. As a full time mental health professional he has provided a recovery oriented health service in Limerick since 2002.

The event is being hosted by MindFreedom Ireland, a Cork based psychiatric survivor group which campaigns for human rights and alternatives to psychiatry’s bio-medical model of treatment. Members will provide testimonies in support of Dr. Lynch and the public will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

The event takes place in The Imperial Hotel Cork at 8pm on Tuesday September 8th. Admission is free. Booking advisable at 021 4894303. Further details at


Jim Maddock,

MindFreedom Ireland,


2nd September 2015.

PH: 021 4894303 Mob: 086 0624445