We, MindFreedom Ireland are not happy that the new capacity bill is leaving ‘unable’ still… fb.me/516l6C3dB
Capacity Bill
We, MindFreedom Ireland are not happy that the new capacity bill is leaving ‘unable’ still present. Many of us have had our human right to choose denied because we disagreed with the psychiatrist’s view of our wellbeing. We were thought to lack ‘insight’. We are intelligent people so we want what we feel is best for ourselves. Most psychiatrists diagnose others without any medical test to show we need their help. They then feel it is their duty to force their opinion on us to ‘save’ us when their revolving doors keep on revolving and they continue to institutionalize people in the wider community. They have a very bad track record yet our government keeps paying them hard earned tax payer’s money to keep this system alive which is clearly not fit for purpose. Even one psychiatrist publicly stated this at a conference in Cork this November. All we want is to be allowed to determine our own lives without people with vestige interests taking ‘care’ of us!
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” C.S.Lewis