2.00 pm The Nonis Choir under the direction of Chaliese Jones.

Welcome and Introduction.

2.15 pm ‘Voices’ written and composed by Mary Maddock and sung by Geraldine and


Personal Testimonies.

Barry Buckley, Claire Twomey, Patrice Campion.

‘Under Pressure’ by David Bowie and Queen.


Miriam O’Shea, Kevin Foley, Colette Ni Dhuinneacha, Mary Maddock.

3.00 pm Commemorations, lighting of candle and music.

3.15 pm Dr Karen McCarthy, Dominican University, California and students.

3.30 pm Mutual support and open mic.

4.00 pm Music and close.


6 Responses

  1. What a fab time you are all going to have.
    I was so looking forward to getting there but it didn’t go my way.i would have loved it .I will b singing voices with u on that day.
    LOVE to all xxx

  2. What a good time you all are going to have
    I was hoping to get there but things did.nt go to plan .
    I would have loved it.. I will b singing voices on the day.love to all enjoy x

    1. You sang it with us many times, Susan in my house and with Karen and her students also. We know you would be with us as you always were whenever it was possible. Sadly we are further apart now but we can connect still in solidarity and spirit. Thank you!!! Mary Maddock

  3. Amazing courage and strength all of you.
    I worked in psychiatry as a young nurse in Edinburgh and I witnessed beautiful souls having electric shock I was appalled by this barbaric act I left after 1 year.

  4. I am new here but I want to be connected to you. Thanks to Maddock who shared me the website ❤️

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