A stumble on my path
Filled my father full of fear
His tactics had me locked away
Head down I felt his shame
I couldn’t get my story heard
Voiceless,fearful, I was numb with pain
New tablets tried to soothe the pain
To force me on a productive path
The Powers persuaded and got heard
Telling me to have no fear
All was well, no need for shame!
I really tried to run away
But there was no way to get away
I had to sit and take the pain
Head down,loss left me shamed
Thorny pricks blocked my path
Masters of control and fear
I felt no hope of being heard
Twenty-four years later I felt heard
By a therapist, I sought miles away
Talked at last my troubled fear
Voiced at last my unheard pain
Secretly sought to find my path
Saw how I had been shamed
But word got out I had shunned my shame
Powers that be somehow heard
That I had embraced a newfound path
They needed again to put me away
To silence the voice of pain
To regulate my irrational fear
Four more years of Father-Fear
Struggling daily to rid the shame
I sought TRUTH to prevent more pain
Was happy at last to be truly heard
I finally got to run away
And cherish now my Noble path
Freedom is a personal choice
Sometimes costs a worldly price
But to sleep well, at last, is really Nice!
Survivor of Psychiatry 23/5/2023